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Wordy Problemy Wednesday: Weights, Measures, And A Very Heavy Snowman

Oct 17, 2018

Do you want to build a snowman? Exactly how big (or heavy) a snowman do you think you could make? In this week’s word problem challenge, Anna wants her snowman to be made of three snowballs, each of different sizes. Can you use your elementary ...

How to Tell if Your Child is Stressed in School

Oct 14, 2018

Students aren’t always forthcoming about problems they’re having in school. The reasons why kids stay silent about it are many and varied: The child may be afraid of letting the parent down, they may be ashamed or too scared to ask for help, or th...

Celebrating 60 Years Of NASA

Oct 13, 2018

Sixty years ago, on October 1, 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as we know it was established and our world was changed for the better. As math and STEM lovers, we are very excited to celebrate this incredible anniver...

Word Problem Wednesday: Just Your Average Chocolate Chip Cookie Math

Oct 10, 2018

Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? And the more chocolate chips the better, right? This week’s word problem challenge uses cookies to illustrate the math concept of average. Because let’s face it, any kind of cookie is a delicious kids’ math...

Word Problem Wednesday: Grocery Budget Math

Oct 3, 2018

What do you like to buy when you go to the store? When you’re shopping on a budget you have to think carefully about what you’re going to put in your cart. Are you a cookies and milk person? Do you prefer ice-cream? Or are you more likely to want ...

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